Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Student Reporter: Writing & Math

Our Student Reporter reports:

What I'm going to write about is writing and math.

Writing is my favorite thing because I get to type and write a story. Writing is my favorite thing because I have made a lot of stories on paper - most of them were about Minecraft. And my teacher, when she reads them, she always loves them. Even though it is hard to make an explanatory essay, I got it done. And so did most of the kids in the classroom. What I wrote about in my explanatory essay, I wrote about White Bengal tigers because white is my favorite color and I like things that are white.

My favorite thing about math is division. It is hard, but easy for me. And I love doing math. Lattice is another thing that is one of my favorites. Lattice is a way to do multiplication problems in a different way. Fractions has been fun lately. Everyone is getting better at doing fractions lately. My favorite thing to do in fractions is adding the fractions and subtracting the fractions. I am an expert in all of this, because I did a lot of practice. Some math is hard for people to understand, but they will get better and become an expert.