Friday, February 23, 2018

Student Reporter: Writing &Typing Pal

Our Student Reporter reports:

In writing we write paragraphs about our animal. I chose tigers because they're really fast and they're black and orange and they're my favorite colors. I really like writing because you get to learn a lot.

In Typing Pal and Club we learn how to type. In Typing Club it shows you the right fingers to type with. I like Typing Pal more because it makes the letters red when you type it wrong and then you move on. When you finish it shows how you did and how many mistakes and how fast you did it.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Student Reporter: Rockin' Reading, Typing Club, Math, & Writing

Our Student Reporter reports:

In Rockin' Reading, we're doing a lot of rereading and going back in the paragraph and looking at what the author said.

We do Typing Pal or Typing Club. I like Typing Club more because it tells you when to type the keys, and how much you got, and you earn stars.

In math we're doing division word problems. We get in groups so we can help people, and those people help us. And if we need help, Miss Luiten helps us.

In writing, we're getting on to typing our essay. I like to type my essay about Sand Cats and what they eat, what they do, and what they are.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Student Reporter: DLA & Typing Pal

Our Student Reporter reports:

Typing Pal is our typing app that we use to get better at our typing. For Typing Pal we either pick Typing Club or Typing Pal. With either one we pick, we go and put our fingers in the correct spaces and then we type the letters we are learning to type. Once we are all done, we should have paragraphs on each that we are typing and when we type the paragraphs, when we make a mistake, it makes it red and then we go on to the next one. Once we are done with it, it shows us our score, how many mistakes, and how fast we did it. I think Typing Pal/Club is good for learning to type because they take you slow and if you mess up they just let us redo it and we don't have to move on.

DLA (Daily Language Activity) is our grammar that we do in the morning. For DLA, the teacher gives us a sentence that has some errors and we correct it. After we do some other things, we go over it. Usually there are four, or under, mistakes and we have to use our grammar skills to figure out where the problems are. And when we go over it, we get all the questions and all the mistakes and sometimes we don't get all of them, but in the end we go over it on the board with the teacher. I think DLA is good for learning grammar. So far, I have been pretty good at it.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Student Reporter: Fractions & Animals Essays

Our Student Reporter reports:

Last week in math, we were adding and subtracting fractions. I thought it was pretty good. Our teacher helped us with it. And then we did it with a partner. And then we gave it to our teacher and she would correct it. Then we moved on to our math word problems. And our teacher had us read each sentence and go through the picture graphs that showed fractions, like water bottles, fences, and baseball cards.

In writing we're doing our animal essays with our teacher. We would put it in a sentence and then give it to our teacher. Then we go back and write a paragraph about our animal in our own words. And then we turned it in after 15 minutes. The animal I'm writing about is pandas. I think pandas are pretty cute. I learned that pandas are mammals, which means they are warm blooded. I like pandas because they are fluffy.
Our Student Reporter's Graphic Organizer for our Animal Explanatory Essay