Monday, August 21, 2017

Welcome to Miss Luiten's 4th Grade Class!

We're going to have a Fabulous year!

Meet the Teacher...

My name is Elizabeth Luiten.  This is my first year teaching, and I’m tickled pink that I get to spend my first year with YOU!  We’re both starting out on a brand new adventure, and it’s going to be a wild, wacky ride filled with exploration, wonder, discovery, and excitement!

I graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Theatre Arts from Central Washington University in 2000.  I graduated with a Master’s Degree in Teaching Elementary Education (K-8) from Western Governors University in May 2017.  I did my student teaching at Peninsula in a 4th grade classroom last fall, and I spent the rest of the year substitute teaching at Peninsula.

My first career was working with children and youth (preschool to college, and everyone in-between) in a church setting for 15+ years.

Teaching children has been my life-long passion.  I can’t wait to meet you, get to know you, and learn about what you love!

My Family

This is my family.  

Mr. Watson is getting his teaching degree from WGU (Go Night Owls!), and is a driver’s instructor at CWDS.  He’ll come into our classroom to help with special projects and fun events!

Derit (a.k.a. Buzzy) is almost 16 and a sophomore at MLHS.  He might come in our room sometimes to help us too!

Blazer (11) is a 6th grader at Frontier Middle School.  He was a Peninsula Panther for six years!

Dash (8) is a 3rd grader at Peninsula.  You'll probably see him walking down the breezeway this year!

Finley (6) is a 1st grader at Peninsula.  She loves to help out in our room and get things ready for all of you! (So does the rest of my family too!)

I can’t wait to meet your family and get to know them!

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Our Class Blog

Our Class Blog is a team effort.  The 4th graders and I will post pictures, stories, and projects that we’re doing at school.  It’s a way for our families to be a part of our classroom on a regular basis.
Another way to be a part of our classroom is by volunteering.  Whether you’re interested in coming in on a regular basis, a few times this year, or even just once - we’d love to have you!  (Regular volunteers will need to complete a background check in the office.)  If you have any special gifts/talents/hobbies/abilities you’d be able to share with the class, please let me know!  I look forward to close communication with every family.  I want to work with you to provide the best learning environment for your child.