Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Student Reporter: Fractions & Animals Essays

Our Student Reporter reports:

Last week in math, we were adding and subtracting fractions. I thought it was pretty good. Our teacher helped us with it. And then we did it with a partner. And then we gave it to our teacher and she would correct it. Then we moved on to our math word problems. And our teacher had us read each sentence and go through the picture graphs that showed fractions, like water bottles, fences, and baseball cards.

In writing we're doing our animal essays with our teacher. We would put it in a sentence and then give it to our teacher. Then we go back and write a paragraph about our animal in our own words. And then we turned it in after 15 minutes. The animal I'm writing about is pandas. I think pandas are pretty cute. I learned that pandas are mammals, which means they are warm blooded. I like pandas because they are fluffy.
Our Student Reporter's Graphic Organizer for our Animal Explanatory Essay

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