Monday, April 16, 2018

Student Reporter: NOVA

Our Student Reporter reports:

I go to NOVA on Tuesdays, along with four other 4th graders from Peninsula. NOVA is a program for gifted children. There are 18 4th graders that go on Tuesday, and probably around 18 that go on Wednesday, for a total of 36 4th graders from the whole district. In the morning, we do an entry task to help our brain get started. Then we split up into two sides, and my side goes to the side where we do World Geography. We are creating brochures and my group is doing Rio de Janeiro. We do that for a little less than half the day, then we go back over to the other side where we do math and we do a magic number puzzle, which is where there is a shape and we have to fill in each part of the shape so that there's the same number when you add all the numbers together. Then we do a word game as a group and then we come back to one group and do a big activity all together. At the end of the day, sometimes the activity is a game, but since it's the end of the year we're working on the Creativity Fair. We can work by ourselves or with a partner. I am partnered up with another kid and we're doing black holes, like in space. At 2:45 we ride the bus back to our school. I think NOVA is really fun. Last year wasn't as fun, because we did a big unit on bugs, but this year we're doing a whole bunch of stuff combined. 

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