Thursday, June 7, 2018

Student Reporter: P.E.

Our Student Reporter reports:

My favorite subject in school is P.E. We did our running test and a push-up and curl-up test. I did 15 or 16 in the running test, and in the curl-up test I got two strikes. So, I did pretty good. In my push-up test I also got two-strikes. My favorite game in P.E. is Capture the Flag, because you get to run around and break people out of jail. Another one of my favorite games is Pin Down, where you throw a ball on a pin and if it falls down, you lose. I like Cool Hoop Tag, too. You kick a hoola-hoop, and if it touches you, then you have to do some exercises like curl-ups, leg lifts, push-ups, and jumping jacks. P.E. is my favorite, actually. It's my favorite special.

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